Originally Posted in Baton Rouge Business Report
A new office building under development on Bluebonnet Boulevard, just west of the Jefferson Highway intersection, will become the new headquarters of the general contractor on the project, Dantin Bruce Construction.
The 6,000-square-foot building is located in the Bluebonnet Palms Office Park, and is expected to be complete by the end of February. It will be owned by Dantin Bruce, which will occupy about half of the building and lease the remaining space to an oral surgeon, says Chris Pike, investment and development specialist with Mike Falgoust & Associates.
Dantin Bruce currently leases space for its headquarters at 7915 Wrenwood Boulevard, and the firm will relocate to the new office building soon after its completion, Pike says.
Bluebonnet Palms had new life breathed into it earlier this year when a 4,000-square-foot office building was erected on the site that had languished for years. Walsh & Bailey law firm now occupies that building, which is located next to one under development.
The office park was initially proposed in 2006 by Victor Dagash but was only partially completed before being foreclosed on by its lender, S. Bettis Properties. Bettis is now working with Pike and a team that includes Dantin Bruce and Ritter Maher Architects to complete the office park.
“There’s 27,000 square feet of space left that can be built on, and there’s at least two other deals in the works for additional buildings,” Pike says. “We’re a little bit behind where we had hoped to be at this point. The election slowed everybody down; everybody was waiting to see what was going to happen on that,” Pike says. “I would say that by the end of 2013 it will be completely built out, and hopefully much sooner than that.”