Dantin Bruce plans 52-lot infill subdivision by Parkview Baptist Church

Holly Duchmann

November 24, 2020 | The Baton Rouge Business Report\

Brian Dantin and Ross Bruce, of Dantin Bruce Development, are planning to develop a 52-lot infill subdivision off Sherwood Forest Boulevard and Old Jefferson Highway.

The pair bought 13 acres of undeveloped land nestled between Parklawn Park and Parkview subdivision. Dantin said it was the property’s central location coupled with the growth that Old Jefferson Highway has seen the last few years that sparked their interest in the property.

“It’s very hard to find infill in Baton Rouge,” Dantin says.

They plan to begin clearing the land in January. The two have not made a final decision on pricing for the houses.

The development team is currently working on installing infrastructure at Bellegrove Square, the residential portion of a mixed-use development in the works near Bluebonnet Boulevard and Burbank Drive. Dantin and Bruce bought that nearly 30-acre property last year with plans to build 117 homes priced in the mid-$200,000s.