Planning Commission approves 324-unit apartment complex on Bluebonnet

The East Baton Rouge Planning and Zoning Commission has approved Dantin Bruce Development’s planned 324-unit apartment complex at Bluebonnet Boulevard and Celtic Drive. 

Waters at Bluebonnet would include 10 buildings, including community and accessory buildings, and the land is not in a special flood hazard zone, according to documents submitted to the commission and planning staff. Metro Council approval is not needed to move forward. 

Meanwhile, the commission rejected a requested change for a residentially zoned lot to allow for a religious counseling service on Lydia Avenue in the Perkins Road overpass area. The commission sided with opponents who argued that Lydia should remain a residential street, stressing that other businesses in the area have direct access to Perkins but the proposed operation would not. 

Other items the commission addressed during last night’s meeting include:

  • Rejecting an effort to make Beauregard Town Baton Rouge’s third historic district. Supporters argue that the designation would protect the neighborhood and boost property values, but opponents worried it would impose costs on poorer residents. 
  • Rezoning a property across from Electric Depot on Government Street so a century-old building can be redeveloped to allow for a restaurant, lounge, event space and offices. The change also requires Metro Council approval. 
  • Deferring once again a proposal to remove the Midway Connector in the Baton Rouge Health District from the major street plan. The property owner requested the 60-day deferral for the property, which Baton Rouge General is considering buying. 
  • Adding outdoor storage, self storage, truck rental and office/warehouse flex spaces to possible uses at a 45.5-acre planned development east of Pecue Lane and north of Interstate 10. The Metro Council also would have to approve the change.